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Nicolas Rousseau Burgess

Computer Engineer

About Me

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University of Georgia

Graduating May of 2018 with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering.

Courses: Database Managment, Engineering Informatics, Wireless Sensor Networks

Computer Programmer and Embedded Engineer

I first began programming in high school as a hobby and soon became consumed. Programming is more than just work, but something I am passionate about. I take pride in my code, always paying close attention to detail.

Languages: Java, C++, Javascript, Node.js, SQL, Verilog

Software: MATLAB, Visual Studio, RapidMiner, Git

Eagle Scout and Outdoors Enthusiast

Nature is key to peace of mind and offers a rest from a technology filled life. In addition, when technology looks to nature and science as its model, we are able to generate a system that both works efficiently and is pleasing to the eye. Nature heavily influences the way I consider both programming and design.

Admirer of Design

A balanced and attractive design is something that I have a passion for. I believe everyone does whether they are aware of it or not. When something looks pleasing to the eye we are drawn to it, leading to further investigation. This process is human nature. Creating something that can both serve its purpose and offer simplistic beauty is a guiding principle in my work.

Inspiration: The Bauhaus, Frank Lloyd Wright, James Turrell

Professional Experience

SCANA Energy

Developed inhouse web applications and wrote corresponding RESTful web services, calling several remote vendor APIs.


Created distributor dashboard, allowing individuals to place orders and manage customer data.

Design Informatics Computational Intelligence Lab

Awarded the CURO grant for Spring 2017 and presented work in the 2017 CURO Symposium. Contributed to research of mechanical ventilator parameter prediction using Inverse Mapping of Artificial Neural Networks.


Senior Design Project

At the Athens Baldor Electric facility, chemicals and paints must be stored within a certain temperature and relative humidity range or they will become unusable, and could potentially cause warranty defects after the electric motors have left the plant. Working in a team of three, a system was produced capable of monitoring temperature and humidity data. The system actively notifies staff, via SMS and email, if any out of range data is detected. A database and user interface were also developed, enabling statistical analysis to be performed on the data collected.

UGA Hacks

During the school hackathon, another teammate and I developed “Rally”. Rally is a mobile application that allows a group of people to create an event and actively see other group members current location. Users may also send help notifications and messages. This application is ideal for a family visiting an amusement park or large public event.

Restaurant Carryout System

The restaurant carryout system, designed as part of a database management project, allows for a restaurant manager to create multiple venues, menu items, and recipes. The web app also offers an inventory management system. Once a restaurant has been setup, a user can order menu items from any of the created restaurants.

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